Emma’s Journey
Emma was born at St Helier Hospital, Sutton on Friday 11 May weighing a healthy 6lb and 6oz. Neil and Grandma Tilley were there when she was born and we went home when she was just 6 hours old. All exhausted but utterly delighted.
Oliver woke up to find us all safely home and seemed very pleased with his new little sister who got plenty of kisses and a few “heavy-handed” strokes.
Emma had six wonderful days at home and was loved by everyone who met her. Both sets of grandparents visited in the first few days and she also met her Auntie Alison, Auntie Kate, Uncle Rob and Auntie Rosie. She went to the local café for lunch and watched Oliver at the nearby soft play. She joined her brother at his music group, met the neighbours and even had a trip round Sainsbury’s. Life was very sweet for all the Braddys.
When she was six days old Emma seemed very tired, she went off her milk and in the afternoon she started making unusual breathing noises. We rushed her back to St Helier and she was admitted via there to Epsom Hospital for observation.
She had lots of blood tests and it was decided that she had an umbilical infection that would need 5 days IV antibiotics. Emma and I stayed together at Epsom and she slept in a cot close to my bed. We would lie awake staring at each other in the middle of the night and in the early hours I would sneak her into bed with me for a cuddle.
Four days later the doctors became concerned that Emma may have a surgical problem as she had not opened her bowels for several days. We were transferred to St Georges Hospital in Tooting for review by the paediatric surgeons.